About Us
Igor and Gus enter Kostioutchenko and Patel, CPAs, Professional Corporation (“K&P CPAs” or the “Firm”) is formed, a licensed public accounting firm specializing in assurance, tax and advisory services.

APRIL 2017
K&P CPAs enters into an agreement to acquire Joseph Cass, CPA, Professional Corporation, an interim partnership is formed, and the collective business operates under “Abacus Group”.

K&P CPAs enters into an agreement to form “Mortimer Kostioutchenko and Patel, CPAs, Limited Liability Partnership”, and expanded its service lines into political audits.
The Firm registered with the Chartered Professional Accountants in all remaining Canadian provinces.

MARCH 2021
K&P CPAs is registered with the Canadian Institute of Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario as a licensed training office under the Pre-approved Program Route (“PPR”)

Abacus Group Partnership is consolidated into one firm, and collectively rebrands back to K&P CPAs.

JAN 1, 2023
With admission into the Institute of Chartered Business Valuators, K&P CPAs announces expansion of its service lines to include valuations.

JAN 1, 2024
Boutique Firm Feel, Big Firm Impact
We continue to reinvent the way our Firm works by striving to improve our processes, technology, and people. Our goal is to best serve our clients’ needs in the everchanging economic climate. With a commitment to innovation and client service excellence – our objective is to exceed your expectations.
active clients
firm accreditations
professional staff and contractors
Our Team